Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Experiment #5

Experiment #5
The Capacitor

*frozen images of oscilloscope readings

Circuit #1 shows a slow gradual climb in stored voltage, this is because of the value of the resistor. Each square running vertically is valued at 2v, each running horizontally is equal to 100m/sec. This reading shows that a full voltage of 12v is reached in 500m/sec, using a 1k/ohm resistor with a 100uF capacitor.


Circuit #2 although this curve looks identical to that of circuit #1, note that on this reading each square running vertically is 2v, but each square running horizontally is only 10m/sec. Therefor total voltage (12v) is reached in 50m/sec, using a 100ohm resistor with a 100uF capacitor.


Circuit #3 using the same square values as in circuit #1, (100m/sec per horizontal square, 2v per vertical square) but this curve peaks quicker, because of higher current, due to less resistance. Total voltage is reached in only 250m/sec using a 470ohm resistor with the 100uF capacitor.

 Circuit #4 total voltage is reached in 1750m/sec (1.75sec), note each square horizontally is now 250m/sec (0.25sec). The reason being is the resistance is still the same as circuit #1 (1k/ohm), but the capacitor is now 330uF which is more than three times the capacity.

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