Thursday, August 13, 2015

Throttle Position Sensor

The type of TPS sensor we use here is called a Linear throttle position sensor or Pontentiometer type sensor. Potentiometer type sensors hold a variable resistor with a slide contact inside of them. As you push in the accelerator and the throttle butterfly moves, the contact changes its position on the variable resistor. As the throttle position changes the output voltage from the sensor changes. As the throttle opens (throttle position angle increases) the resistance is decreased, thus increasing the output voltage from the sensor:

15` - voltage is at 1.4v
30` - 2.1v
45` - 2.6v
60` - 3.1v
75` - 3.6v
90` - 4.7v

Idle puts out a low voltage (the least voltage) and this is how it is recognised. Usually about 0.4 - 100mV.

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